Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Gender/anatomy scan time!

Baby girl was being shy, as she typically is during ultrasounds (I'm pretty sure she sleeps during the day!).  She wouldn't move around as much as we had hoped, but everything looks great!

20 weeks 3 days

She is using her placenta as a pillow & giving thumbs up!

Baby girl is the size of a banana!

How far along?   21 Weeks
Total weight gain?   I'm up 8 pounds.
Maternity clothes?   Amazing!  Trying not to buy too many maternity items!
Stretch marks?   None yet
Sleep?   About normal for me...almost 8 hours a night, even if I do wake up at 5:30 (normally in bed by 9:30).
Best moment this week?   Seeing baby on the ultrasound!

Miss anything?  Sushi!
Movement?  Lots, especially after eating. 
Food cravings?   Still fruit!
Anything making you queasy or sick?  5am on a night shift! 

Labor signs?  Thankfully, no!
Symptoms?   Feeling a lot bigger!  Still trying to get heartburn under control...
Belly button in or out?   In
Wedding rings on or off?   On

Happy or moody most of the time?   Happy!
Looking forward to?   Everyday :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Halfway there!

Approximately 6.5 inches & 10.5 ounces!

How far along?   20 Weeks...hard to believe we're half way to meeting our baby girl!
Total weight gain?   I'm up 6 pounds.
Maternity clothes?   They're so comfortable!  Loving dresses @ the moment, especially since our summer weather has finally arrived!
Stretch marks?   None yet
Sleep?   Not too bad.  I normally can feel baby girl moving when I wake up, so I don't mind waking up early.
Best moment this week?   Watching Brian's reaction as he felt baby girl for the second time.

Miss anything?  Good workouts...it's hard keeping my heart rate down & still trying to get a good workout in.
Movement?  More & more every day this last week!  
Food cravings?   Fruit, fruit, and more fruit!  And maybe watermelons (my favorite right now) aren't in season?  I keep picking bad ones :(
Anything making you queasy or sick?  5am on a night shift! 

Labor signs?  Thankfully, no!
Symptoms?   Just feeling bigger & feeling baby girl move more.  Oh, and fabulous heart burn appeared this week!
Belly button in or out?   In
Wedding rings on or off?   On

Happy or moody most of the time?   Happy, happy, joy, joy!
Looking forward to?   Our 20 week ultrasound (official gender scan, anatomy scan) this week.  And hopefully officially choosing her name.  I want to call her by a name versus baby girl!

**I have to credit Jessica Garvin on her blog!  I originally saw her chalkboard weekly pics on Pinterest, which eventually led me to her blog.  I love that she answers the same questions (the ones above) each week & will have something to chronicle her pregnancy.  Thanks, Jessica!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Gender reveal party!

We were lucky enough to find out baby's sex just before my birthday, which we had a BBQ already planned for.  Why not make it into a gender reveal party, too?!  It was a great way to reveal to friends & family the sex of our little baby...I think everyone had just as much fun with it as we did!

Awesome cake we had made!

Taking votes on boy or girl

Pink icing...Baby B is a she!!

 Great birthday!!


Our ultrasounds so far!  She changes so much with each scan, it's amazing!  We have another next week and I can't wait to see how big she has gotten!  

9 weeks (we first saw her heartbeat at this appointment!)

12 weeks 5 days

12 weeks 5 days

13 weeks 4 days

13 weeks 4 days

Belly pics!

At week 8, I started taking weekly belly pictures.  The chalkboard is another Pinterest idea that I just had to do!  It's been exciting to see the changes in my belly!

Major change from 18 weeks!  Baby girl is growing!!

To blog or not to blog...

 I decided to start the blog for fun, but mostly to chronicle our journey to becoming parents and in a few short months, the journey of parenthood!  Here are some fun pictures I've taken through the past 19 weeks!

Thanks to Pinterest, I've gotten some great ideas for pictures!

 These two pictures (below) are the ones we gave to the parents, announcing that we are pregnant!