Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Babymoon, Oregon style!

Brian & I were lucky enough to sneak away to Oregon for a baby moon & to celebrate our 1 year anniversary (August 27!).  It was a great, relaxing trip.  Lots of good sights, good food, good company.    We've decided to make Oregon a yearly trip for our anniversary.  I think Avery will enjoy it, too!  <3

Multnomah Falls

28w5d in the Rose Garden

28w6d in Seaside! 

28w6d at Haystack Rock!

Can't believe it's been 29 weeks (at Grandma's house in Garibaldi).  
Can't believe there's only 11 weeks left.  
Can't wait to meet you Avery Jo!

28 weeks!

Total weight gain?  About 15 pounds.
Maternity clothes?   Wearing a few of my normal tops & dresses, but otherwise yes!
Stretch marks?   Just the lovely little white ones I've had for a decade.
Sleep?   Pretty well lately.
Miss anything?  Tying my shoes without difficulty!!
Food cravings?   No changes here...mostly watermelon, but all fruit.  
Labor signs?  Now realizing what they are, I've been having contractions for quite a few weeks.  At this point, they're annoying & occasionally painful, but nothing to worry about.  My uterus will be very well conditioned for Avery's arrival at this point!
Belly button in or out?   In, but the bottom part is stretching out a lot...miss Avery hasn't figured out that she has a whole uterus to use, not just the bottom part!
Wedding rings on or off?   On
Happy or moody most of the time?   Happy!  I feel pretty lucky as far as this pregnancy has gone so far.
Looking forward to?   A rounder belly!  Seeing her little face!  Finishing up the nursery! 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hello third trimester!

Total weight gain?  About 13 pounds.
Maternity clothes?   Wearing a few of my normal tops & dresses, but otherwise yes!
Stretch marks?   Just the lovely little white ones I've had for a decade.
Sleep?   Pretty well lately.
Miss anything?  I was able to jog/walk once this week, without any discomfort.  I also started doing some of my p90x DVDs at home to get some more weigh lifting in.
Food cravings?   No changes here...mostly watermelon, but all fruit.  
Labor signs?  Thankfully, no!
Belly button in or out?   In, but the bottom part is stretching out a lot...miss Avery hasn't figured out that she has a whole uterus to use, not just the bottom part!
Wedding rings on or off?   On

Happy or moody most of the time?   Happy!  I feel pretty lucky as far as this pregnancy has gone so far.
Looking forward to?   A rounder belly ;)  

This cauliflower is 2lb1oz, just like Avery!  The ultrasound tech estimates she'll be 7 1/2-8 pounds at birth :)

Love that little face already!  We had a repeat anatomy ultrasound (on Brian's birthday!), so the neonatologist could see a few more things...she's perfect!!  

Finally an "official," it's a girl photo!

Big feet like mommy, but toes like daddy!